Team Leaders
PAST – Prof. Daniel Makowiecki (
Research interests:
- animal-human-environment relationship in prehistoric periods;
- Middle Ages and modern times;
- the history of mammals, birds and fish in Poland, Europe and Egypt;
- history of animal products;
- currently focuses on the importance of the horse in early medieval Poland.
Scientific achievements:
- author of 300 publications, including five books;
- as part of a project funded by Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (1999-2000), he studied the evolution of fish in the Polish Lowland in the last 10,000 years history of fisheries in Poland and Northern Europe; results of the research are contained in articles and monograph;
- he investigates the animal management in early medieval Polish strongholds; results are published in two books (Breeding and the use of animals in Ostrów Lednicki in the Middle Ages, Archaeozoological study, Poznań, 2001; Early medieval animal management and sociotopography in Culmine in the Vistula Pomerania, Archeozoological study, Toruń 2010), numerous articles and chapters;
- he participated in multidisciplinary and international project dealt with the history of commercial fishing (COST action 2014-2018) and the history of sturgeon;
- the team member of international project Ecology of Crusading project (2010-2014) sponsored by the European Research Council, results are presented in international journals and chapters of the monograph Terra Sacra I & II/ ed. by Aleksander Pluskowski, Turnhout: Brepols, Series: Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World (2019);
- he dealt with changes in fauna in the landscape of medieval and modern cities in Poland, results of the research are included in the separate monograph;
- he is participating in projects on the history of European bison, aurochs and red deer;
- he conducts studies on the importance of animals in the provisioning of castles;
- he was a scientific consultant and curator of the exhibition (2019) devoted to domestic animals’ history and a co-author of the popular science book accompanying the exhibition Familiar, but from a distant world, Silesian Museum, Katowice 2019.
Hobby: cooking
PSE – Adrian Wójcik, PhD (
Adrian Wójcik is a social psychologist with a broad scope of research interests. In his PhD thesis, he has analyzed the connections between collective memory about Jewish minority and current inter-group relations in Poland. Since 2009 he was also a member of the Center for Research on Prejudice (University of Warsaw) and worked on the basic stereotyping and inter-group relations processes. Currently, he focuses mainly on the psychology of pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours (conservation psychology). His major interests include the connection between attitudes, pro-ecological behaviours and more general beliefs (political ideology, different forms of ingroup identities, religiosity, values). He also collaborates with pro-environmental NGOs (WWF, European Climate Foundation) and provide them with knowledge on sustainability communication. He is an associate researcher at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR), established in the Higher School of Economics, a National Research University, Russia. Lab’s directors: Ronald Inglehart & Eduard Ponarin.
FUTURE – Prof. Aldona Glińska-Neweś (
ORCID, Google Scholar, Research Gate
Research interests:
- organizational behaviour, including interpersonal relationships at work;
- inter-organizational relationships;
- organizational culture;
- cross-cultural management;
- corporate social responsibility.
Scientific achievements:
- principal investigator in three projects financed by the National Science Center;
- main investigator in five other NCN projects;
- head of the Polish team conducting the project entitled Tourism, work and emotions, financed by the Pays de la Loire, France;
- leader of the S-Team awarded in the competition for priority research teams at the Nicolaus Copernicus University;
- participant in many international research networks.
Hobby: travelling, scuba diving, photography, literature and movies
EVO – Dr Marta Sibierska (
ORCID, Google Scholar, Research Gate
Research interests:
- language evolution;
- an evolutionary approach to storytelling and literature;
- narratology;
- non-verbal communication;
- polisemiotic communication;
- pantomime.
Scientific achievements:
- the scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding performance in the academic year 2017/2018
Hobby: cooking, yoga, design
KNOW – Prof. Adam Kola (read: Head of the Center)