Excellence Initiative - Research University

University Centre of Excellence IMSErt - Interacting Minds, Societies, Environments

Contactul. Fosa Staromiejska 3, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 37 15
+48 516 638 621
e-mail: imsert@umk.pl

Team Leaders






PAST – Prof. Daniel Makowiecki (makdan@umk.pl)

Research interests:

Scientific achievements:

Hobby: cooking






PSE – Adrian Wójcik, PhD (awojcik@umk.pl)


Adrian Wójcik is a social psychologist with a broad scope of research interests. In his PhD thesis, he has analyzed the connections between collective memory about Jewish minority and current inter-group relations in Poland. Since 2009 he was also a member of the Center for Research on Prejudice (University of Warsaw) and worked on the basic stereotyping and inter-group relations processes. Currently, he focuses mainly on the psychology of pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours (conservation psychology). His major interests include the connection between attitudes, pro-ecological behaviours and more general beliefs (political ideology, different forms of ingroup identities, religiosity, values). He also collaborates with pro-environmental NGOs (WWF, European Climate Foundation) and provide them with knowledge on sustainability communication. He is an associate researcher at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR), established in the Higher School of Economics, a National Research University, Russia. Lab’s directors: Ronald Inglehart & Eduard Ponarin.






FUTURE – Prof. Aldona Glińska-Neweś (aldona.glinska@umk.pl)

ORCID, Google Scholar, Research Gate

Research interests:

Scientific achievements:

Hobby: travelling, scuba diving, photography, literature and movies









EVO – Dr Marta Sibierska (sibier@umk.pl)

ORCID, Google Scholar, Research Gate

Research interests:

Scientific achievements:

Hobby: cooking, yoga, design

KNOW – Prof. Adam Kola (read: Head of the Center)