Excellence Initiative - Research University

University Centre of Excellence IMSErt - Interacting Minds, Societies, Environments

Contactul. Fosa Staromiejska 3, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 37 15
+48 516 638 621
e-mail: imsert@umk.pl
obrazek nr 1

Article by our scientists with Robin Dunbar

Prof. Dr. Przemysław Żywiczynski, Dr. Sławomir Wacewicz and Dr. Marek Placiński of the EVO team were co-authors of a scientific article titled “How much conversation content is actually social: human conversational behavior revisited” created with famous evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar, among others. You can read the article here


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New publication by our EVO Team

Dr. hab. Sławomir Wacewicz and dr. Michael Pleyer have published an article called The Emergence of Language in the ACADEMIA. The magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences. You can read it here.


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YUFE4Postdocs: Digital Societies

We're delighted to inform that dr Vojtech Fiala will continue to work alongside our Evo Team as a part of the YUFE4Postdocs: Digital Societies programme! Dr Fiala's research focuses on perception of human faces in social media


New publication by our KNOW Team

dr hab. Veslava Osińska, NCU prof. and member of our KNOW Team, has published a new paper in the highly ranked "JASIST" journal. The research has been done in colaboration with scientists from Denver University. The article is titled "Research methods and the use of visual representation in library and information science research". You can read it here!

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The EVO team has a new researcher!

Juan Olvido, PhD has joined the EVO team to conduct his research "Seeing to signaling: ocular signaling as preverbal scaffold to linguistic communication" within the NAWA Bekker Programme.

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New publication of our KNOW team

Agata Rupińska, a PhD candidate from our KNOW Team, has published an article titled Prettier Faces, Better Lives? The Impact of South Korean Facial Beauty Standards and Plastic Surgery on Women’s Lives in Frances Cha’s If I Had Your Face in the Avant journal. You can read it here. Congratulations!

New publication by our PSE team

Prof. dr hab. Justyna Chodkowska-Miszczuk and her PhD student Agata Lewandowska, members of our PSE Team, have published a new article titled Cities facing the European green deal: Urban policy and locals’ perspective in the post-socialist area in the Environmental Science & Policy journal. Their studies have received funding from the GRASP competition organised by our Centre.


Invitation to an online seminar

Our EVO Team would like to invite everyone interested to take part in an online seminar by Klaudia Karkowska, focused on non-verbal communication among bilingual people. The seminar is organised in cooperation with Hong Kong Polytechnic University and will be  start at 11:00, 26.06.2024. More info on te poster

New monography

Prof. dr hab. Anna Branach-Kallas, member of our KNOW Team, has published a new monography, titled Decolonizing the Memory of the First World War: The Poetics and Politics of Centenary Interventions last week! You can find it herej! We would like to congratulate the author and encourage everyone to check out the book!

Sanja Petkovska's Book Launch

We would like to invite everyone to a meeting with researchers from our POSTCOMER lab, who will talk about the newly released book by dr Sanja Petkovska, "Decolonial Politics in European Peripheries"! More info here

New book by our EVO Team

"Cognitive Linguistics and Language Evolution" by dr Michaela Pleyer from our EVO Team and prof. Stefan Hartmann has just been released! The book is available in Open Access and can be found here. We would like to congratulate the authors and wish everyone an enjoyable read!

New publication by our EVO Team

„Perspectives on Pantomime” monography has just been released! Among their editors prof. Przemysław Żywiczyński and dr Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska from our EVO Team!  The book is a collection of articles by internationally renowned researchers working on topics such as language evolution, cognitive science, cognitive semiotics, sign language linguistics, psychology and gesture studies
We would like to congratulate the authors and encourage everyone to read the new book!

Reward for long service

Prof. Justyna Chodkowska - Miszczuk from our PSE Team has received a medal for her long and outstanding work at our University. Big congratulations!

New publication by prof Justyna Chodkowska-Miszczuk

Prof. dr hab. Justyna Chodkowska-Miszczuk of our PSE Team along with z dr Pramit Verma has published a new paper titled Are cities ready for low-carbon inclusive strategies? Household energy management under heterogeneous socioeconomic conditions in the presigious Sustainable Development journal. You can read it here


Our Centre's new publications

We're starting this year with two great publications!

Prof. dr hab. Aldona Glińska - Neweś, the director of our FUTURE Team, has published a book titledThe Human Dimension of the Circular Economy: Reframing the Mindset at Macro, Organizational and Individual Levels in cooperation with prof. Pauliina Ulkuniemi from Oulu University

Meanwhile dr Francesco Trupia from our KNOW Team is an author of a chapter Beyond Multiculturalism: Minority Intellectuals in the Postsocialist Predicament of Southeast Europe in newly released book Decolonial Politics in European Peripheries Redefining Progressiveness, Coloniality and Transition Efforts

We would like to congratulate our researchers and wish them many further successes!

Our director in the FILLM governing comittee

We are proud to announce that dr hab. Adam Kola, prof. UMK - the director of our Centre - has been elected for a period of 3 years to the governing comittee of FILLM - Fédération Internationale des Langues et Littératures Modernes as Assistant Secretary-General.

The International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures (FILLM) is the official international body which represents the study of language and literature as research-based scholarly disciplines in universities and tertiary higher education institutions world-wide. FILLM is part of the UNESCO pyramid of international associations which seek to represent intellectual and cultural endeavour on a global basis


Accolade for dr Olga Solovieva's book

"Japan’s Russia: Challenging the East-West Paradigm" by dr Olga Solovieva, member of our KNOW team, and prof. Sho Konishi has received an award in the 10th edition of the ICAS Book Prize, organised by International Convention of Asia Scholars. The book analyses the impact of Russian culture on Japan. Congratulations!

Corpus Politicum: Body Politics Through History

On 05.12 we would like to invite you to the Collegium Maius building, for a scientific conference titled Corpus Politicum: Body Politics Through History, organised by our Centre in cooperation with University of Roehampton and London Metropolitan University. You can find the conference programme here!

NCN funding for the members of our Centre

We're delighted to inform you that two researchers from our Centre - prof. dr hab. Przemysław Żywiczyński from EVO Team and mgr Dominika Jurgiel from PSE Team- have received funding for their research projects from the Polish National Science Centre OPUS and PRELUDIUM competitions

Prof. Żywiczyński will work on a project titled The Impact of the Environment on the Evolution of Communication: Studies on the Language Niche Hypothesis, while mgr Jurgiel's project is titled Disruptions for the Termination of Destruction - Predictors and Consequences of Support for Radical Collective Pro-Environmental Actions

Congratulations and best of luck in your research!

New publication by dr Olga Solovieva

Dr Olga Solovieva, new member of our KNOW Team, has published a chapter titled Something Like an Autobiography: Akira Kurosawa on Free Pedagogy and Restoration of Japan’s Democratic Self in the book Reopening the Opening of Japan. We encourage you to read it here!

Seminar by dr Francesco Trupia

This Thursday on 1pm dr Francesco Trupia  from our KNOW team will be take part in a seminar in Centre for Migration Research in Warsaw, room 220. He will be talking about his research and upcoming article, titled "Believing without Belonging?
Religious Salience and Politicality of the Second-Generation Bosnian Muslims in Western Europe." 
You can also participate online via the link: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/92334628738

Lecture by dr Marjukka Mikkonen

We would like to invite you to a lecture by dr Marjukka Mikkonnen from Tampere University in Finland, which will take place on 9.11.2023 at 13:00 in Collegium Minus, room 220. Dr Mikkonnen will talk about her doctoral dissertation, titled "Gender Inequality in Leadership Positions: Insights from Finnish Sport Governance". She will also answer some questions. It's also possible to listen to the lecture remotely, via MS Teams - please contact dr hab. Dominik Antonowicz for a link to the meeting.

New publication by dr Francesco Trupia

Dr Francesco Trupia, member of our KNOW Team, has published an interactive booklet, summarising his research on post-memories of the so called "Revival Process", which took place in Bulgaria in the 80s. You can learn more and see the booklet here

Visit of Prof. Jane Buikstra

On 10.10.2023 our Institute of Archeology has been visited by the internationally renowned expert, Prof. Jane E. Buikstra from Arizona State University. Professor has delivered a lecture on violence in the archaic period of ancient Greece (700-480 b.c.). This visit was made possible thanks our Centre's funding. We would like to thank the Professor and everyone who attended her lecture!

Invitation to a lecture

We would like to invite you to a fascinating online lecture by Dr Olga Solovieva, in which she we will be talking about her recently released book. You can find more information on the poster and register for the event here. Please note that the lecture will take place at 7pm, 11.10.2023 in Polish time - the time on the poster is for CST time zone

Invitation to a lecture

The Institute of Archeology would like to invite you to a lecture by prof. Jane Buikstry, titled „The People of Phaleron: Physical and Structural Violence at the Birth of Democracy”. The lecture will take place on 09.10.2023, at 11:30.

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We have a new PhD!

We proudly inform that on 7.09.2023 Mgr Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska from our EVO Team has succesfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled Mind the gap! Sign function emergence in the second year of life and beyond. Furthermore, her dissertation has been especially distinguished by the Commission. She also received a medal from prof. Ana Mineiro, one of her reviewers - a traditional award for new doctors in Portugal. Congratulations!


Prof. Aldona Glińska-Neweś is a new Vice-Rector!

We are proud! Prof. Aldona Glińska-Neweś, deputy director of our Center and head of the FUTURE Team, by the decision of the Rector, prof. Andrzej Sokala, on 01.10.2023 will take the position of Vice-Rector for Cooperation with the social and economic environment. We are delighted and wish Aldona good luck!

Our contribution to the International "Energy Regeneration of Cities" Congress

International "Energy Regeneration of Cities" Congress was held in Łódź on 30-31.05.2023 and Prof. Justyna Chodkowska Miszczuk, member of our PSE. Team, was one of the speakers who took part in it. Congratulations!

Big success for one of our researchers!

Prof. Anna Branach-Kallas, a member of our KNOW Team, has been awarded with the prestigious Certificate of Merit 2023 award, by the International Council for Canadian Studies. You can read more about it here. Congratulations!

A new member of the council of University Strategic Analysis Board

Prof. Sławomir Wacewicz, the leader of our EVO Team, has been appointed as a new member of the council of University Strategic Analysis Board. The Board is the University's auxiliary think tank unit, subordinate to the rector. Its main function is to advise the rector on the future of the University, in particular its role, organization, and tasks. Congratulations!

Important new publication

Dr hab. Justyna Chodkowska-Miszczuk, a member of our PSE team, has been invited to write one of the chapters in this year's "State of the Region Report" published by Centre for Baltic and East European Studies. The chapter concerns the economical and environmental situation of Poland in light of its political transformation. The report can be found here. Congratulations!

Researcher from our Centre awarded funding in "Pearls of Science" programme

Yen Ying Ng, one of the doctoral candidates from our EVO team, is among the laureates of the prestigious "Pearls of Science" programme,  organized by the Minister of Science and Education. Her project, titled "The impact of teacher's image on effectiveness of learning in educational videos" has received major funding. Congratulations!

Calls for papers

We would like to remind you that Yufe4Postdocs and ULAM NAWA programmes both have currently open calls for papers! It's an amazing opportunity to develop your scientific career and do some amazing research along with our Centre! We wholeheartedly encourage you to apply.  You can find more information here.

New publication by our Centre

Prof. dr hab. Aldona Glińska-Neweś, director of our Future Team, have published a new article in "Journal of Business Research", titled "A resource interaction perspective on resource use and development in migrant entrepreneur networks". You can read it here here and find the abstract below

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Publication of our KNOW team

Dr hab. Adam Kola, Dr hab. Agata Domachowska, Dr Łukasz Gemziak and Francesco Trupia, PhD - members of our KNOW team - have published an article titled "Mnemonic wars and parallel polis: The anti-politics of memory in Central and Southeast Europe: Kosovar women and Black/Roma Lives Matter" in "Memory Studies" journal. A link to the article can be found here! We've also uploaded the abstract below

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New article from our EVO Team

Dr Michael Pleyer, prof. Przemysław Żywiczyński and dr Theresa Matzinger have published a new article in "Languages" journal, titled "Pause Length and Differences in Cognitive State Attribution in Native and Non-Native Speakers." You can read it here! You can find the abstract below

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New publications of our PSE Team

This January prof. Justyna Chodkowskiej-Miszczuk and dr Pramit Verma of our PSE Team have published 3 different research articles concerning renewable energy sources and attitudes towards them. Congratulations! We attach the abstracts and links to the articles below.

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Our Centre has new publications!

Dr Michael Pleyer from our EVO team and Dawid Megger from our FUTURE team have recently published new articles! You can read them here and here! We're also including the abstracts below

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New make-up of the National Science Centre council

In December 12 new scientists have joined the council of the Polish National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki). Among them was prof. Justyna Chodkowska-Miszczuk, a member of our PSE team. Congratulations!

Read about the work of one of our FUTURE team members

Dr Michał Polasik, expert in the field of modern transactions and payment methods, told us quite a bit about his research and the current business situation. You can read about it here!

New publication by our Centre

Dr Adrian Wójcik and prof. Maria Lewicka have published a new article about the association between types of national identity and interest in history. You can read it here! Article's abstract below

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New publication by our Centre

Sławomir Wacewicz, PhD, and his associates have published a new article in "Scientific Reports", titled "The adaptive significance of human scleral brightness: an experimental study". You can read it here! Article's abstract below

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Scientists from our Centre are doing research in zoo in Toruń

Could the colour of our scleare be connected with our ability to cooperate? Anna Szala from our Centre for Language Evolution Studies is currently researching this, in cooperation with scientists from Leiden, Oakland and Vienna Universities, and with assistance of animals from zoo in Toruń. Juan Olvido, PhD, has prepared a short description of the project.

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Our scientists awarded with NSC grants!

Our scientists have been awarded OPUS, SONATA and POLONEZ grants:
Congratulations to everyone!

New publication by our Centre

Anna Branach-Kallas, PhD has published an article in "Journal of Postcolonial Writing" entitled "Askari, colonial encounters, and postcolonial war commemoration in Afterlives by Abdulrazak Gurnah". Read it here.

New publication by our Centre

Theresa Matzinger, PhD has published an article in "Cognitive Linguistics" entitled"Phonotactically probable word shapes represent attractors in the cultural evolution of sound patterns". Read it here.

New publication by our Centre

New article in "Journal of Rural Studies" by Yulia Fomina, PhD and Aldona Glińskiej-Neweś, PhD entitled "Community supported agriculture: Setting the research agenda through a bibliometric analysis". Read it here.

New publication by our Centre

New article in Contemporary Southeastern Europe by Francesco Trupia, PhD entitled "What would have been my name? The Post-Memory of the “Generation After” the Revival Process in Bulgaria". Read it here.

Awards for publications

We are happy to announce to announce that these members of IMSErt have been awarded by the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University for the scientific articles published in the prestigious international journals:

- Grzegorz Osipowicz, PhD
- Justyna Chodkowska-Miszczuk, PhD
- Krzysztof Rogatka, PhD
- Anupam Singh, PhD
- Magdalena Krajcarz, PhD
- Stefania Środa-Murawska, PhD
- Michał Polasik, PhD
- Adrian Wójcik, PhD

Winter school for science communication

The RETHINK project will organize a winter school for early career researchers, journalists, policy-makers, community leaders and all other agents of change who want to learn about communicating science in relation to complex social issues. Read more
Deadline: 31st of January! Register soon!

Offer for a post-doc researcher

The EVO team within the University of Excellence IMSErt - Interacting Minds, Societies, Environments is seeking applicants for a 1-year research adjunct position in empirical research methods at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Faculty of Humanities).

The IMSErt: EVO team was formed basing on the Center for Language Evolution Studies at Nicolaus Copernicus University (CLES NCU) and comprised the CLES members and its collaborating researchers. The IMSErt: EVO team conducts qualitative and quantitative research on language evolution and linguistic phenomena such as politeness, CMC, sound symbolism, gesture, and sign language. Our research aims to contribute to answering questions such as: How did language emerge? How does language evolve? What was the relationship between the original systems of human visual and vocal (proto)communication? Do the new media change the way we communicate? What is the relation between language and cooperation?

We are currently working on several projects funded by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) and the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), which include a project on the universality of pantomime and its potential to scaffold the evolution of verbal communication and a project aiming to describe the position of the Science of Language Evolution (SLE) in contemporary science and to structure our knowledge of this area. Our foreign research partners notably include Lund University, the University of Vienna, Roma Tre University, West Australia University, and the University of Lisbon.

The laboratory of the IMSErt: EVO team is located in Collegium Maius in the beautiful Old Town of Toruń. It houses equipment and software, including an EyeLink1000 Plus eye tracker, a biofeedback set, Rokoko Smartsuit Pro motion capture set, a fully equipped sound and video studio, and a range of software E-Prime with Chronos, LabVanced, nVivoand SPSS. We are part of the Excellence Initiative – Research University Programme at the host institution in Toruń, Poland.

The postdoc position is part of a new project - Initiative of Excellence - Research University, under which Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun was selected as one of the ten best universities in Poland and supported by additional funds for the development of scientific potential. The Centre of Excellence IMSErt is the flagship institution within the project, the only one dedicated specifically to research in the humanities and social sciences. It is characterised by opening to new research areas, strong internationalisation, high competitiveness and scientific excellence.



#InventingKnowledge seminar 16.11.2021 at 1PM

Remember that on 16.11.2021, at 1 pm, the #InventingKnowledge seminar will take place. This time lecture entitled "How can we do science better? Studies from 3 directions" will be conducted by Brett Buttliere, PhD. Here’s a link: https://vc.umk.pl/b/mic-pch-pmf.

Offer for PhD applicants

The University Centre of Excellence IMSErt – Interacting Minds, Societies, Environments is seeking applicants for a 4-year PhD student position at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School "Academia Copernicana", the prestigious PhD programme at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

The thematic scope of the project may concern the broadly understood interconnection of knowledge studies and memory studies. The specific topic, choice of issues or methodological approach is free.

The academic supervisor of the project is the director of the IMSErt Center of Excellence, Professor Adam Kola. In 2016-2019 he was Visiting Scholar at the University of Chicago. His research has been focused on the Eastern and Central European intellectual and literary history of the 19th and 20th centuries and global knowledge transfer. In 2018, he published the book Socialist postcolonialism. Memory Reconsolidation. He is the author of two other books and editor of several volumes on philosophy and ethics of interpretation, semi/peripheral humanities, and comparative literature. He is the author of about 100 papers in Polish, Czech, Russian, German and English, and does translations from Czech and English into Polish. He has led and participated in several Polish and international research projects. He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal “History of Intellectual Culture. International Yearbook of Knowledge and Society” (De Gruyter), “Acta Structuralica. International Journal for Structuralist Research”, and a member of the Executive Committee of the International Comparative Literature Association. 

More on: https://adamkola.eu/

Full offer:
PDF, Euraxess

Offer for PhD applicants

The University Centre of Excellence IMSErt, Interacting Minds, Societies, Environments, is seeking applicants for a 4-year PhD student position in Literary Studies at the Doctoral School of Humanities, Theology and Arts Academia Artium Humaniorum, a PhD programme at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Full offer


Our Centre is seeking applicants for the Ulam Programme, provided by the National Agency for Academic Exchange. Join us and be a part of our team! Click here and read more: 

